Selfie Camera - Beauty Camera

by KX Camera Team



Selfie Camera PrettyMe provides a brand new shooting experience for you with its powerful yet free filters and online stickers. It uses various beauty methods to improve your pictures and videos to the greatest extent. ✨😊 Beauty Selfie Camera PrettyMe - Shooting photo and video- Shoot with free stickers and filters- Online stickers of different themes- Natural beauty, extreme beauty and precision beauty- Beautify: Apply beauty filters & styles instantly for selfies- Smooth: Smooth tool helps to refine your pores and smoothen your skin for a perfect complexion.- Reshape: Reshape tool enables you to touch-up your eyes, nose, cheek, and more. * Enlarge eyes & remove dark circle * Cheek thin, cheek narrow, refine cheekboones... * Thin or thicken eyebrows, lips😊 Amazing Poster Maker & Filmstrip - Select photos into a cool collage using free preset templates and layouts.- Edit collage with filters, stickers, text, and more.πŸ’― One-stop shooting and editing with this popular selfie camera app will be way more convenient and can make your shooting experience interesting. Having this selfie camera means you can enjoy a beauty camera, photo editor, photo poster & filmstrip maker at the same time. Try Selfie camera PrettyMe, free to use!